About us

One warm afternoon in Summer 2014 Adnan Noorani entered Tata Memorial Hospital* to visit a young patient who was starting her first round of chemotherapy. He had earlier helped raise funds for this treatment through friends and family and the patient wanted to meet Adnan before she actually started the treatment. That is where he met with the IMPACCT Foundation Team that helps patients suffering with Pediatric Cancer and was very impressed with the excellent work they are doing. However, during this interaction he realized that despite all the help already being given, there is long list of children suffering from a curable form of Cancer whose Chemotherapy was yet to start due to lack of funding.
Realizing the continuing need to raise funds, he envisaged a plan wherein he could use technology to help reach a larger audience and crowd source funds. Adnan put together a team of like-minded people viz Ms Raksha Shetty, Mr Yash Sanghvi and Ms Preeti Motwani and www.childrenscancercare.org was launched on his 18th birthday, 28th Sept 2014.
CCC* uses digital marketing and social media to reach people and get them involved in raising funds for the treatment for children.

Our Mission

To provide a completely transparent method for members of the community to provide last-mile financial support towards treatment for children from less fortunate backgrounds that are suffering from cancer.
This is possible because:
We bring focus on cases validated by IMPACCT Foundation @ TMH* only
Provide donors with a direct financial link to the hospital account of the child/children they wish to support
Use the digital route to enlist potential donors and spread information about the children who need help.